How to price your Expert session and ideas for optimizing session setup

We recommend posting multiple sessions on different topics and at different price points. Sometimes a session topic can be structured as a multi-part series or structured as a series with different levels such as beginner, intermediate and advanced which members can graduate to as they complete each session depending on the amount of information you plan to share. This format and pricing is up to your discretion. Each session should be on a specific topic and posting multiple sessions around different wellness-focused topics that you have expertise in is the best way to optimize your potential for getting booked. You can experiment with different photos, titles, and price points as well. 

Session prices typically range from $35-$250 depending on the length and level of personal assistance offered, you can price sessions at your discretion. One thing that can help for more expensive sessions is to post an introductory (often shorter) version of the session at a lower price point so members can get a sense of what you are able to offer and then schedule a follow on session after they have had their intro one and gotten a chance to work with you a little. 

At the end of the day it's best to experiment with different titles, structures, and prices as you promote your sessions you will learn what drives the best overall engagement on the platform. 

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