I already have a booking platform, what are the benefits of having clients book services through Well Me Right?

Benefits of using Well Me Right as your primary booking platform

For many Experts, Well Me Right serves as their primary booking solution, we offer seller protections against fraud as well as no-show appointments. We also offer a satisfaction guarantee which helps boost consumer booking confidence for new bookings assuring they will find value in the meeting with us as a trusted intermediary. Ultimately it's personal preference if you have another tool you are happy with you may continue to use it. 

We still recommend promoting your sessions on Well Me Right as well to get some bookings so you can get reviews on our platform and be featured. 

Another benefit is you can offer as many sessions as you like on very specific topics, which sometimes might inspire someone to book with you when they see a topic on a session that resonates with them they might not otherwise have thought of you for.

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