Wellness Session Packages

Purchasing packages of wellness sessions or multi-part/series of wellness sesssions

Well Me Right offers three different session types.

1. Single Wellness Sessions: A single 1:1 session booked with a Wellness Expert at a pre-scheduled date and time.

2. Package Wellness Sessions: A package of sessions pre-purchased that can be booked over a period of time with an expert.

3. Group Wellness Sessions: A single session that is hosted on a preset time and date for a group of participants. 

What are the benefits of packages?

  • In some cases, Wellness Experts may require more than one session to adequately address a wellness topic, in this case, the expert may offer their services as a package in order to allow adequate time to work with a Member to address a specific issue or topic in more depth then a single wellness session can allow.
  • After completing an initial session with an expert some members may want to book a recurring meeting with an expert, packages make this easier.
  • Some experts will offer discounts when you pre-purchase packages from them as this allows them to better manage their time and fees.
  • Some sessions are better offered as multi-part series on a specific topic, in this case packages will allow an expert to break up a session into multiple parts.

What to know about packages?

  • Packages are pre-purchased blocks of sessions. 
  • The number of sessions included and the price per session will be displayed on the session detail page.
  • When you purchase a package of sessions you will not be able to use the scheduler, instead, you will work with the Expert/Member to schedule sessions as needed or on a pre-set recurring basis after you purchase the package.
  • You can filter for sessions by session type on the session listing page to find or remove package sessions when browsing. 

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